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Version: 0.5


Marten projects can be configured through the use of settings files. This section explains how settings work, how they relate to environments, and how they can be altered.


Settings will be usually defined under a config/settings folder at the root of your project structure. There are no strict requirements regarding where settings are defined nor how they are organized, but as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to organize settings on a per-environment basis (shared settings, development settings, production settings, etc).

In such configuration, you will usually define shared settings (settings that are shared across all your environments) in a dedicated settings file (eg. config/settings/ and other environment-specific settings in other files (eg. config/settings/

To define settings, it is necessary to access the global Marten configuration object through the use of the Marten#configure method. This method returns a Marten::Conf::GlobalSettings object that you can use to define setting values. For example:

Marten.configure do |config|
config.installed_apps = [

config.middleware = [

config.database do |db|
db.backend = :postgresql = "dummypress" = "localhost"
db.password = ""

It should be noted that the Marten#configure method can be called with an additional argument to ensure that the underlying settings are defined for a specific environment only:

Marten.configure :development do |config|
config.secret_key = "INSECURE"

You should avoid altering setting values outside of the configuration block provided by the Marten#configure method. Most settings are "read" and applied when the Marten project is set up, that is before the server actually starts. Changing these setting values afterward won't produce any meaningful result.


When creating new projects by using the new management command, the following environments will be created automatically:

  • Development (settings defined in config/settings/
  • Test (settings defined in config/settings/
  • Production (settings defined in config/settings/

When your application is running, Marten will rely on the MARTEN_ENV environment variable to determine the current environment. If this environment variable is not found, the environment will automatically default to development. The value you specify in the MARTEN_ENV environment variable must correspond to the argument you pass to the Marten#configure method.

It should be noted that the current environment can be retrieved through the use of the Marten#env method, which returns a Marten::Conf::Env object. For example:

Marten.env              # => <Marten::Conf::Env:0x1052b8060 @id="development"> # => "development"
Marten.env.development? # => true

Available settings

All the available settings are listed in the settings reference.