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Version: 0.5


This page provides a reference for all the available generators and their options.


Usage: marten gen app [options] [label]

Add and configure a new application to the current project.


This generator will attempt to add the generated application to the installed_apps setting and will also configure Crystal requirements for it (in the src/ and src/ files).


  • label - Label of the application to generate


marten gen app blogging # Generate a new 'blogging' application


Usage: marten gen auth [options] [label]

Generate and configure a fully functional authentication application for your project. Please refer to Authentication to learn more about authentication in Marten, and to Generated files to see a list of the files generated for the authentication app specifically.


This generator will attempt to add the generated application to the installed_apps setting and will also configure Crystal requirements for it (in the src/ and src/ files). It will also add authentication-related settings to your base settings file and will add the marten-auth shard to your project's shard.yml.


  • label - Label of the authentication application to generate (default to "auth")


marten gen auth         # Generate a new authentication app with the 'auth' label
marten gen auth my_auth # Generate a new authentication app with the 'my_auth' label


Usage: marten gen email [options] [name]

Generate an email. Please refer to Emailing to learn more about emailing in Marten.


  • --app=APP - Target app where the email should be created (default to the main app)
  • --parent=PARENT - Parent class name for the generated email


  • name - Name of the email to generate (must be CamelCase)


marten gen email TestEmail            # Generate a new TestEmail email in the main application
marten gen email TestEmail --app blog # Generate a new TestEmail email in the blog application


Generate a handler. Please refer to Handlers to learn more about handlers.


  • --app=APP - Target app where the handler should be created (default to the main app)
  • --parent=PARENT - Parent class name for the generated handler


  • name - Name of the handler to generate (must be CamelCase)


marten gen handler TestHandler            # Generate a new TestHandler handler in the main application
marten gen handler TestHandler --app blog # Generate a new TestHandler handler in the blog application


Generate a model. Please refer to Models to learn more about models.


  • --app=APP - Target app where model handler should be created (default to the main app)
  • --parent=PARENT - Parent class name for the generated model
  • --no-timestamps - Do not include timestamp fields in the generated model


  • name - Name of the model to generate (must be CamelCase)
  • field_definitions - Field definitions of the model to generate


This generator can generate a model with the specified name and field definitions. The model is generated in the app specified by the --app option or in the main app if no app is specified.

Field definitions can be specified using the following formats:


Where name is the name of the field and type is the type of the field.

qualifier can be required depending on the considered field type; when this is the case, it corresponds to a mandatory field option. For example, label:string{128} will produce a string field whose max_size option is set to 128. Another example: author:many_to_one{User} will produce a many-to-one field whose to option is set to target the User model.

modifier is an optional field modifier. Field modifiers are used to specify additional (but non-mandatory) field options. For example: name:string:uniq will produce a string field whose unique option is set to true. Another example: name:string:uniq:index will produce a string field whose unique and index options are set to true.


# Generate a model in the main app:
marten gen model User name:string email:string

# Generate a model in the admin app:
marten gen model User name:string email:string --app admin

# Generate a model with a many-to-one reference:
marten gen model Article label:string body:text author:many_to_one{User}

# Generate a model with a parent class:
marten gen model Admin::User name:string email:string --parent User

# Generate a model without timestamps:
marten gen model User name:string email:string --no-timestamps


Generate a schema. Please refer to Schemas to learn more about schemas.


  • --app=APP - Target app where schema should be created (default to the main app)
  • --parent=PARENT - Parent class name for the generated schema


  • name - Name of the schema to generate (must be CamelCase)
  • field_definitions - Field definitions of the schema to generate


This generator can generate a schema with the specified name and field definitions. The schema is generated in the app specified by the --app option or in the main app if no app is specified.

Field definitions can be specified using the following formats:


Where name is the name of the field and type is the type of the field.

modifier is an optional field modifier. Field modifiers are used to specify additional (but non-mandatory) field options. For example: name:string:optional will produce a string field whose required option is set to false.


# Generate a schema in the main app:
marten gen schema ArticleSchema title:string body:string

# Generate a schema in the blog app:
marten gen schema ArticleSchema title:string body:string --app admin

# Generate a schema with a parent class:
marten gen schema ArticleSchema title:string body:string --parent BaseSchema


Generate a new secret key value that can be used in the secret_key setting.


marten gen secretkey