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Schema fields

This page provides a reference for all the available field options and field types that can be used when defining schemas.

Common field options

The following field options can be used for all the available field types when declaring schema fields using the field macro.


The required argument can be used to specify whether a schema field is required or not required. The default value for this argument is true.

Field types


An array field allows validating a list of values, with each value subject to the validation rules of an array member field. The type of the underlying array member field must be specified through the use of the of option. This option must reference an existing schema field type (such as string, enum, etc).

For example, the following schema allows validating an array of strings:

class ColorsSchema < Marten::Schema
field :colors, of: :string

It is possible to specify options that are specific to the chosen array member field. For example:

class ColorsSchema < Marten::Schema
field :colors, of: :string, max_size: 10

The definition of nested array fields is not permitted.


The of option is mandatory for array fields and allows specifying the type of the underlying array member field. This option must reference an existing schema field type (such as string, enum, etc).


A bool field allows validating boolean values.


A date field allows validating date values. Fields using this type are converted to Time objects in Crystal.


date fields automatically attempt to deserialize incoming values using a predefined set of input formats. These formats are localized and configurable through the translation key. If Marten does not supply translations for the locale you're using, you can define custom localized formats within your project. For detailed instructions, see Defining Translations. For example:

- "%Y-%m-%d"
- "%m/%d/%Y"
- "%b %d %Y"
- "%b %d, %Y"
- "%d %b %Y"
- "%d %b, %Y"
- "%B %d %Y"
- "%B %d, %Y"
- "%d %B %Y"
- "%d %B, %Y"

If none of the localized input formats can successfully parse the incoming raw date value, date fields will fall back to the formats specified in the date_input_formats setting.


A date_time field allows validating date time values. Fields using this type are converted to Time objects in Crystal.


date_time fields automatically attempt to deserialize incoming values using a predefined set of input formats. These formats are localized and configurable through the marten.schema.field.date_time.input_formats translation key. If Marten does not supply translations for the locale you're using, you can define custom localized formats within your project. For detailed instructions, see Defining Translations. For example:

- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f"
- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"

If none of the localized input formats can successfully parse the incoming raw date time value, date_time fields will fall back to the formats specified in the date_time_input_formats setting.


A duration field allows validating duration values, which map to Time::Span objects in Crystal. duration fields expect serialized values to be in the DD.HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn format (with n corresponding to nanoseconds) or in the ISO 8601 format (eg. P3DT2H15M20S, which corresponds to a 3.2:15:20 time span).


An email field allows validating email address values. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_size argument allows defining the maximum size allowed for the email address string. The default value for this argument is 254 (in accordance with RFCs 3696 and 5321).


The min_size argument allows defining the minimum size allowed for the email address string. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum size is not validated by default.


The strip argument allows defining whether the string value should be stripped of leading and trailing whitespaces. The default is true.


An enum field allows validating string values against the values of a specific Enum. When defining enum fields, it's necessary to specify a values argument that matches the actual enum:

enum Category

class ArticleSchema < Marten::Schema
field :title, :string
field :category, :enum, values: Category

schema =
Marten::HTTP::Params::Data{"title" => ["Test"], "category" => ["blog"]}

schema.valid? # => true
schema.category # => Category::BLOG

In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The values argument is required and allows to specify the actual enum class that should be used for the field. Only string values matching the values of the enum will be validated by the field.


A file field allows validating uploaded files. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The allow_empty_files argument allows defining whether empty files are allowed or not when files are validated. The default value is false.


The max_name_size argument allows defining the maximum file name size allowed. The default value is nil, which means that uploaded file name sizes are not validated.


A float field allows validating float values. Fields using this type are converted to Float64 objects in Crystal. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_value argument allows defining the maximum value allowed. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the maximum value is not validated by default.


The min_value argument allows defining the minimum value allowed. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum value is not validated by default.


An int field allows validating integer values. Fields using this type are converted to Int64 objects in Crystal. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_value argument allows defining the maximum value allowed. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the maximum value is not validated by default.


The min_value argument allows defining the minimum value allowed. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum value is not validated by default.


A json field allows validating JSON values, which are automatically parsed to JSON::Any objects. Additionally, it is also possible to leverage the serializable option in order to specify a class that makes use of JSON::Serializable. When doing so, the parsing of the JSON values will result in the initialization of the corresponding serializable objects:

class MySerializable
include JSON::Serializable

property a : Int32 | Nil
property b : String | Nil

class MySchema < Marten::Schema
# Other fields...
field :metadata, :json, serializable: MySerializable

schema ={"metadata" => %{{"a": 42, "b": "foo"}}})
schema.valid? # => true
schema.metadata! # => MySerializable object


The serializable arguments allows to specify that a class making use of JSON::Serializable should be used in order to parse the JSON values for the schema field at hand. When specifying a serializable class, the values returned for the considered schema fields will be instances of that class instead of JSON::Any objects.


A slug field allows validating slug values (ie. strings that can only include characters, numbers, dashes, and underscores). In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_size argument allows defining the maximum size allowed for the slug string. The default value for this argument is 50.


The min_size argument allows defining the minimum size allowed for the slug string. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum size is not validated by default.


The strip argument allows defining whether the string value should be stripped of leading and trailing whitespaces. The default is true.


A string field allows validating string values. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_size argument allows defining the maximum size allowed for the string. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the maximum size is not validated by default.


The min_size argument allows defining the minimum size allowed for the string. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum size is not validated by default.


The strip argument allows defining whether the string value should be stripped of leading and trailing whitespaces. The default is true.


A uuid field allows validating Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID) values. Fields using this type are converted to UUID objects in Crystal.


A url field allows validating URL address values. In addition to the common field options, such fields support the following arguments:


The max_size argument allows defining the maximum size allowed for the URL string. The default value for this argument is 200.


The min_size argument allows defining the minimum size allowed for the URL string. The default value for this argument is nil, which means that the minimum size is not validated by default.


The strip argument allows defining whether the string value should be stripped of leading and trailing whitespaces. The default is true.