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Version: 0.5

Context producers

This page provides a reference for all the available context producers that can be used when rendering templates.

Debug context producer

Class: Marten::Template::ContextProducer::Debug

The Debug context producer contributes a debug variable to the context: the associated value is true or false depending on whether debug mode is enabled for the project or not.

Flash context producer

Class: Marten::Template::ContextProducer::Flash

The Flash context producer contributes a flash variable to the context: this variable corresponds to the flash store that is associated with the current HTTP request. If the template context is not initialized with an HTTP request object, then no variables are inserted.

I18n context producer

Class: Marten::Template::ContextProducer::I18n

The I18n context producer contributes I18n-related variables to the context:

  • locale: the current locale
  • available_locales: an array of all the available locales that can be activated for the project

Request context producer

Class: Marten::Template::ContextProducer::Request

The Request context producer contributes a request variable to the context: this variable corresponds to the current HTTP request object. If the template context is not initialized with an HTTP request object, then no variables are inserted.