class Marten::DB::Field::ManyToMany

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

blank? : Bool blank?, db_column db_column, db_column! : ::String db_column!, db_column? db_column?, default default, empty_value?(value) : ::Bool empty_value?, from_db(value) from_db, from_db_result_set(result_set : ::DB::ResultSet) from_db_result_set, getter_value?(value) : ::Bool getter_value?, id : String id, index? : Bool index?, null? : Bool null?, prepare_save(record, new_record = false) prepare_save, primary_key? : Bool primary_key?, related_model related_model, relation? relation?, relation_name relation_name, to_column : Management::Column::Base | Nil to_column, to_db(value) : ::DB::Any to_db, truthy_value?(value) truthy_value?, unique? : Bool unique?, validate(record, value) validate

Constructor methods inherited from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

new(id : ::String, primary_key : ::Bool = false, blank : ::Bool = false, null : ::Bool = false, unique : ::Bool = false, index : ::Bool = false, db_column : ::String | Symbol | Nil = nil) new

Constructor Detail

def : ::String, to : Model.class, through : Model.class, primary_key = false, blank = false, null = false, unique = false, index = false, db_column = nil, related : Nil | ::String | Symbol = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def db_column #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns the name of the column associated with the considered field.

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def default #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns the default value of the field if any.

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def from_db(value) : Nil #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Converts the raw DB value to the corresponding field value.

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def from_db_result_set(result_set : ::DB::ResultSet) : Nil #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Extracts the field value from a DB result set and returns the right object corresponding to this value.

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def perform_validation(record : Model) #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base


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def related_model : Marten::DB::Model.class #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns the related model associated with the field.

This method will raise a NotImplementedError exception by default and should only be overriden if the #relation? method returns true (this is the case for fields such as many to one, one to one, etc).

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def relation? #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns true if the field is a relation.

By default this method will always return false. It should be overriden if the field is intended to handle a relation with another model (eg. like many to one or one to one fields).

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def relation_name : String #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns the name of the relation on the model associated with the field.

This method will raise a NotImplementedError exception by default and should only be overriden if the #relation? method returns true (this is the case for fields such as many to one, one to one, etc).

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def through : Marten::DB::Model.class #

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def to_column : Management::Column::Base | Nil #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Returns a migration column object corresponding to the field at hand.

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def to_db(value) : ::DB::Any #
Description copied from class Marten::DB::Field::Base

Converts the field value to the corresponding DB value.

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