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Marten 0.6.0 release notes

Under development.

Requirements and compatibility

  • Crystal: 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15.
  • Databases:
    • MariaDB 10.4 and higher.
    • MySQL 8.0.11 and higher.
    • PostgreSQL 12 and higher.
    • SQLite 3.27.0 and higher.

New features

Localized routes

Marten now provides the ability to define localized routes through the use of two mechanisms: automatically adding locale prefixes to routes and activating the appropriate locale based on the prefix, and translating the routes themselves. These mechanisms can be used independently or in combination.

For example, the following routes map defines routes that will be prefixed by the currently activated locales and whose paths will be translated using the considered project's translations:

ARTICLE_ROUTES = Marten::Routing::Map.draw do
path t("routes.articles.list"), ArticlesHandler, name: "list"
path t("routes.articles.create"), ArticleCreateHandler, name: "create"
path t("routes.articles.detail"), ArticleDetailHandler, name: "detail"
path t("routes.articles.update"), ArticleUpdateHandler, name: "update"
path t("routes.articles.delete"), ArticleDeleteHandler, name: "delete"

Marten.routes.draw do
localized do
path t("routes.landing"), LandingPageHandler, name: "landing"
path t("routes.articles.prefix"), ARTICLE_ROUTES, name: "articles"

As highlighted above, the use of routes prefixed with locales can be activated by wrapping route paths by a call to the #localized method. Route path translations can be defined using the #t method, which assigns a translation key to each route (this key is then dynamically used to generate the route's path based on the active locale).

With the routes map defined above, generated routes are fully localized and vary based on the currently activated locale:

Marten.routes.reverse("landing") # => "/en/landing"
Marten.routes.reverse("articles:create") # => "/en/articles/create"

Marten.routes.reverse("landing") # => "/fr/accueil"
Marten.routes.reverse("articles:create") # => "/fr/articles/creer"

Please refer to Localized routes to learn more about this new capability.

Minor features

Models and databases

  • Query sets now support XOR operations when performing complex queries involving q expressions. Additionally, combining query sets using the XOR operator (^) is now also supported (see #^ (XOR)).
  • A new slugify option was added to slug model fields in order to make it possible to automatically generate a slug value from another local model field.
  • Query pages (instances of Marten::DB::Query::Page) now expose a #pages_count method that allows to get the total number of pages.
  • Related objects are now automatically loaded when accessing backward relations (such as backward many-to-one relations or backward one-to-one relations).
  • The ability to retrieve specific records by using raw SQL predicates was introduced. See Fetching single records with raw SQL predicates to learn more about this new capability.
  • The #prefetch query set method now provides an optional query_set argument, allowing you to specify a custom query set for retrieving prefetched records.

Handlers and HTTP


  • A new localize template tag was introduced to make it easy to localize values (such as dates, numbers, and time values) within templates.
  • A new underscore template filter was introduced to make it easy to get the underscored version of a string within templates.
  • An alias for the url template tag (reverse) was introduced.



  • A new --log-level command option was introduced to make it easier to configure the log level to use when running management commands (see Shared options for more details).
  • The new management command now makes it possible to generate projects without configured databases when the --database=none option is used.
  • Projects generated with the new management command now include the Referrer-Policy middleware by default.
  • The new management command now generates a file when generating new project structures.
  • A new seed management command was introduced to make it easy to execute seed files.
  • Log entries generated when running the development server (serve management command) in debug mode now include more details about processed requests, rendered templates, and executed SQL queries.
  • Database configuration now supports connection strings, which can be useful in scenarios where only a connection string is provided (e.g., via a DATABASE_URL environment variable from cloud providers). See Database settings to learn more about this new capability.
  • New date_input_formats and date_time_input_formats settings were introduced to provide additional flexibility in parsing date and date_time schema field values. These settings allow you to define fallback input formats that are used when localized formats cannot successfully parse raw date/date_time schema field values.


  • Translations defined in the config/locales folder are now loaded automatically by the framework if defined (see Defining translations to learn more about the places from which translations can be loaded).