abstract class Marten::HTTP::Session::Store::Base


Abstract base session store.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(session_key : String | Nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](key : String | Symbol) #

Returns the value associated with the passed key or raises a KeyError exception if not found.

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def []=(key : String | Symbol, value : String) #

Allows to set a new session value for a specific key.

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def []?(key : String | Symbol) #

Returns the value associated with the passed key or returns nil if not found.

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def accessed? : Bool #

Returns true if the session store was accessed at least once.

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abstract def clear_expired_entries : Nil #

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abstract def create : Nil #

Creates a new session store.

This method should create a new (empty) session store with an associated key and persist it.

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def cycle_key : Nil #

Regenerates the session key while keeping all the existing data.

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def delete(key : String | Symbol) #

Allows to delete a session value for a specific key.

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def each(*args, **options) #

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def each(*args, **options, &) #

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def empty? : Bool #

Returns true if the session store is empty.

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def expires_at #

Returns the time when the session will expire.

This method will return nil if the session is set to expire when the browser is closed.

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def expires_at=(value : Time) #

Allows to set the date time when the session will expire.

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def expires_at_browser_close=(value : Bool) #

Allows to set whether the session should expire when the browser is closed.

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def expires_at_browser_close? : Bool #

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def expires_in #

Returns the session expiration time.

Unless explicitly set, the default value returned is the one defined by the sessions.cookie_max_age setting.

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def expires_in=(value : Time::Span) #

Allows to set the session expiration time.

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def expires_in=(value : Int64) #

Allows to set the session expiration time in seconds.

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def fetch(key : String | Symbol, default = nil) #

Returns the value associated with the passed key, or the passed default if the key is not found.

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def fetch(key : String | Symbol, &) #

Returns the value associated with the passed key, or calls a block with the key when not found.

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abstract def flush : Nil #

Flushes the session store data.

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def has_key?(key : String | Symbol) #

Returns true if the provided key exists.

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abstract def load : SessionHash #

Loads the session store data and returns the corresponding hash.

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def modified? : Bool #

Returns true if the session store was modified.

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abstract def save : Nil #

Saves the session store data.

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def session_key : String? #

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def size(*args, **options) #

Returns the number of keys in the session hash.

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def size(*args, **options, &) #

Returns the number of keys in the session hash.

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