class Marten::HTTP::Cookies::SubStore::Signed


Signed sub cookie store.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Marten::HTTP::Cookies::SubStore::Base

[](name : String | Symbol) [], []=(name, value) []=, []?(name : String | Symbol) []?, fetch(name : String | Symbol, default = nil) fetch, set(name : String | Symbol, value, **kwargs) : Nil set

Constructor methods inherited from class Marten::HTTP::Cookies::SubStore::Base

new(store : Cookies) new

Instance Method Detail

def fetch(name : String | Symbol, &) #

Returns the value matching the passed signed cookie name, or calls a block with the name when not found.

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def fetch(name : String | Symbol, default = nil) #

Returns the value matchine the passed signed cookie name, or the default one if the cookie is not present.

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def set(name : String | Symbol, value, **kwargs) : Nil #

Allows to set a cookie that is signed to prevent tampering.

The string representation of the passed value object will be signed, and the resulting string will be used as the cookie value. Appart from the cookie name and value, this method allows to define some additional cookie properties:

  • the cookie expiry datetime (expires argument)
  • the cookie path
  • the associated domain (useful in order to define cross-domain cookies)
  • whether or not the cookie should be sent for HTTPS requests only (secure argument)
  • whether or not client-side scripts should have access to the cookie (http_only argument)
  • the same_site policy (accepted values are "lax" or "strict")

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