class Marten::DB::Connection::MySQL
- Marten::DB::Connection::MySQL
- Marten::DB::Connection::Base
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
marten/db/connection/mysql.crInstance Method Summary
#bulk_batch_size(records_count : Int32, values_count : Int32) : Int32
Returns the batch size to use when inserting multiple rows in a specific table.
#bulk_insert(table_name : String, values : Array(Hash(String, ::DB::Any)), pk_column_to_fetch : String | Nil = nil) : Array(::DB::Any) | Nil
Allows to insert multiple rows in a specific table and returns the primary key values for the inserted rows.
#distinct_clause_for(columns : Array(String)) : String
Returns a distinct clause to remove duplicates from a query's results.
#insert(table_name : String, values : Hash(String, ::DB::Any), pk_column_to_fetch : String | Nil = nil) : ::DB::Any
Allows to insert a new row in a specific table.
#left_operand_for(id : String, predicate) : String
Returns the left operand to use for specific query predicate.
#limit_value(value : Int | Nil) : Int32 | Int64 | Nil | UInt32 | UInt64
Returns a compatible value to use in the context of a LIMIT statement for the database at hand.
#max_name_size : Int32
Returns the maximum size for table names, column names or index / constraint names.
#operator_for(predicate) : String
Returns the operator to use for a specific query predicate.
#parameter_id_for_ordered_argument(number : Int) : String
Returns the parameterized identifier for an ordered argument.
#quote_char : Char
Returns the quote character to use to quote table names, columns, etc.
#scheme : String
Returns the scheme to consider for the underlying database backend.
#supports_logical_xor? : Bool
Returns a boolean indicating whether the database supports the logical XOR operator.
#update(table_name : String, values : Hash(String, ::DB::Any), pk_column_name : String, pk_value : ::DB::Any) : Nil
Allows to update an existing row in a specific table.
Instance methods inherited from class Marten::DB::Connection::Base
alias : String
bulk_batch_size(records_count : Int32, values_count : Int32) : Int32
bulk_insert(table_name : String, values : Array(Hash(String, ::DB::Any)), pk_column_to_fetch : String | Nil = nil) : Array(::DB::Any) | Nil
distinct_clause_for(columns : Array(String)) : String
id : String
insert(table_name : String, values : Hash(String, ::DB::Any), pk_column_to_fetch : String | Nil = nil) : ::DB::Any
left_operand_for(id : String, predicate) : String
limit_value(value : Int | Nil) : Int32 | Int64 | Nil | UInt32 | UInt64
max_name_size : Int32
observe_transaction_commit(block : -> Nil)
observe_transaction_rollback(block : -> Nil)
operator_for(predicate) : String
parameter_id_for_ordered_argument(number : Int) : String
quote(name : String | Symbol) : String
quote_char : Char
sanitize_like_pattern(pattern : String) : String
scheme : String
supports_logical_xor? : Bool
update(table_name : String, values : Hash(String, ::DB::Any), pk_column_name : String, pk_value : ::DB::Any) : Nil
Constructor methods inherited from class Marten::DB::Connection::Base
new(config : Conf::GlobalSettings::Database)
Instance Method Detail
Returns the batch size to use when inserting multiple rows in a specific table.
Allows to insert multiple rows in a specific table and returns the primary key values for the inserted rows.
This method allow inserting individual rows defined in values
in the table_name
table. When
is specified, the primary key values for the inserted rows will be returned. Note that
this method can return nil
if the underlying database does not support returning primary key values for bulk
Returns a distinct clause to remove duplicates from a query's results.
If column names are specified, only these specific columns will be checked to identify duplicates.
Allows to insert a new row in a specific table.
Returns the left operand to use for specific query predicate.
Most of the time the initial ID will be left intact but depending on the connection implementation and the considered predicate type (eg. "istartswith"), specific SQL functions could be applied on the column ID.
Returns a compatible value to use in the context of a LIMIT statement for the database at hand.
Returns the maximum size for table names, column names or index / constraint names.
Returns the operator to use for a specific query predicate.
Returns the parameterized identifier for an ordered argument.
This method takes the number of the argument which is aimed to be part of an array of ordered SQL arguments.
Returns the quote character to use to quote table names, columns, etc.
Returns the scheme to consider for the underlying database backend.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the database supports the logical XOR operator.
Allows to update an existing row in a specific table.