class Marten::Template::Tag::Localize


The localize template tag.

The localize template tag allows performing localization on values such as dates, numbers, and times within templates. It can take one mandatory argument (the value to localize) and an optional format keyword argument to specify a localization format.

Usage examples:

{% localize created_at %}
{% localize 100000 format: "short" %}

The format argument must match a key defined in the locale file.

Optionally, the result of the localization can be assigned to a variable using as keyword:

{% localize created_at format: "short" as localized_date %}

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Marten::Template::Tag::CanSplitSmartly

split_smartly(expression : String) : Array(String) split_smartly

Instance methods inherited from module Marten::Template::Tag::CanExtractKwargs

extract_kwargs(source : String) extract_kwargs

Instance methods inherited from class Marten::Template::Tag::Base

render(context : Context) : String render

Constructor methods inherited from class Marten::Template::Tag::Base

new(parser : Parser, source : String) new

Constructor Detail

def : Parser, source : String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def render(context : Context) : String #
Description copied from class Marten::Template::Tag::Base

Render the template tag for a given context.

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