class Marten::DB::Management::Migrations::Runner

Defined in:


Constant Summary



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Connection::Base) #

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Instance Method Detail

def execute(app_config : Apps::Config | Nil = nil, migration_name : String | Nil = nil, fake = false) #

Executes the migrations up until the specified app config / migration name (if specified).

If no app config / migration name is specified, the method executes all the non-applied migrations.

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def execute(app_config : Apps::Config | Nil = nil, migration_name : String | Nil = nil, fake = false, &) #

Executes the migrations up until the specified app config / migration name (if specified).

If no app config / migration name is specified, the method executes all the non-applied migrations.

It should be noted that this method yields a Marten::DB::Management::Migrations::Runner::Progress object at each execution of a migration (before and after).

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def execution_needed?(app_config : Apps::Config | Nil = nil, migration_name : String | Nil = nil) : Bool #

Returns true if the execution of the runner is needed for the specified app config and migration name.

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def mark_elligible_replacements_as_applied(&) #

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def plan(app_config : Apps::Config | Nil = nil, migration_name : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(Migration, Bool)) #

Returns the migration plan for the specified app config and migration name.

This method returns an array of tuples containing (i) a migration to apply and (ii) a boolean indicating if the migration should be applied in a backward way.

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