class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Serve

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::CanGenerateOpenBrowserCommand

generate_open_command(url : String) : String generate_open_command

Instance methods inherited from class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Base

handle : Int32 handle, handle! : Nil handle!, on_argument(name : String | Symbol, description : String, &block : String -> ) on_argument, on_invalid_option(&block : String -> ) on_invalid_option, on_option(short_flag : String | Symbol, long_flag : String | Symbol, description : String, &block : String -> )
on_option(flag : String | Symbol, description : String, &block : String -> )
, on_option_with_arg(short_flag : String | Symbol, long_flag : String | Symbol, arg : String | Symbol, description : String, &block : String -> )
on_option_with_arg(flag : String | Symbol, arg : String | Symbol, description : String, &block : String -> )
, on_unknown_argument(name : String | Symbol, description : String | Nil = nil, &block : String -> )
on_unknown_argument(&block : String -> )
, print(msg, ending = "\n") print, print_error(msg) print_error, print_error_and_exit(msg, exit_code = 1) print_error_and_exit, run run, setup setup, show_usage show_usage, stderr : IO stderr, stdin : IO stdin, stdout : IO stdout, style(msg, fore = nil, back = nil, mode = nil) style

Constructor methods inherited from class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Base

new(options : Array(String), stdin : IO = STDIN, stdout : IO = STDOUT, stderr : IO = STDERR, main_command_name : String = Marten::CLI::DEFAULT_COMMAND_NAME, exit_raises : Bool = false) new

Class methods inherited from class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Base

command_aliases(*aliases : String | Symbol)
, command_name(name : String | Symbol)
, help(help : String)

Instance Method Detail

def run #
Description copied from class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Base

Runs the command.

This method should be overridden by subclasses in order to implement the execution logic of the considered command.

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def setup #
Description copied from class Marten::CLI::Manage::Command::Base

Setups the command.

This method should be overridden by subclasses in order to configure the command arguments and options through the use of the #on_argument and #on_option methods.

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