abstract class Marten::Cache::Store::Base


Abstract base cache store.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Constant Summary



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(namespace : String | Nil = nil, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, version : Int32 | Nil = nil, compress : Bool = true, compress_threshold : Int32 = DEFAULT_COMPRESS_THRESHOLD) #

Initializes a new cache store.

The following options are supported:

  • namespace allows to associate a namespace value with the cache, which can be helpful if the underlying cache system is shared with other applications. Using a namespace will ensure that all they keys are properly prefixed in order to avoid collisions.
  • expires_in allows to specify a default relative expiration time for cache entries.
  • version allows to specify a default version value for the entries of the cache. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.
  • compress allows to specify whether new entries written to the cache should be compressed.
  • compress_threshold allows to specify a custom compression threshold. The compression threshold determines whether cached entries are compressed: if these entries are larger than the compression threshold (which is expressed in bytes), then they will be compressed.

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Instance Method Detail

abstract def clear #

Clears the entire cache.

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abstract def decrement(key : String, amount : Int32 = 1, expires_at : Time | Nil = nil, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, version : Int32 | Nil = nil, race_condition_ttl : Time::Span | Nil = nil, compress : Bool | Nil = nil, compress_threshold : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Int #

Decrements the integer value associated with the given key.

It should be noted that this method supports a set of optional arguments:

  • amount allows to specify the amount used to decrement the integer value (defaults to 1)
  • expires_at allows to specify an absolute expiration time.
  • expires_in allows to specify a relative expiration time.
  • version allows to specify a version value for the entry to write into the cache. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.
  • race_condition_ttl allows to specify a relative period of time during which an expired value is allowed to be returned while the new value is being generated and written to the cache. By leveraging this capability, it is possible to ensure that multiple processes that access an expired cache entry at the same time don't end up regenerating the new entry all at the same time.
  • compress allows to specify whether new entries written to the cache should be compressed.
  • compress_threshold allows to specify a custom compression threshold. The compression threshold determines whether cached entries are compressed: if these entries are larger than the compression thresholed (which is expressed in bytes), then they will be compressed.

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def delete(key : String | Symbol) : Bool #

Deletes an entry associated with a given key from the cache. Returns true if an entry was deleted.

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abstract def delete_entry(key : String) : Bool #

Deletes an entry from the cache.

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def exists?(key : String | Symbol, version : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Bool #

Returns true if an entry associated with the given key exists in the cache.

The #exists? method allows specifying an additional version argument, which will be used when checking for the existence of the entry. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.

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def fetch(key : String | Symbol, expires_at : Time | Nil = nil, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, version : Int32 | Nil = nil, force = false, race_condition_ttl : Time::Span | Nil = nil, compress : Bool | Nil = nil, compress_threshold : Int32 | Nil = nil, &) : String | Nil #

Fetches data from the cache by using the given key.

If the specified key is associated with some data in the cache, then this data is returned. Otherwise, the return value of the block will be written to the cache and returned by this method.

It should be noted that this method supports a set of optional arguments:

  • expires_at allows to specify an absolute expiration time.
  • expires_in allows to specify a relative expiration time.
  • version allows to specify a version value for the entry to fetch/write into the cache. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.
  • force allows to force a cache miss, resulting in the return value of the block to be written to the cache.
  • race_condition_ttl allows to specify a relative period of time during which an expired value is allowed to be returned while the new value is being generated and written to the cache. By leveraging this capability, it is possible to ensure that multiple processes that access an expired cache entry at the same time don't end up regenerating the new entry all at the same time.
  • compress allows to specify whether new entries written to the cache should be compressed.
  • compress_threshold allows to specify a custom compression threshold. The compression threshold determines whether cached entries are compressed: if these entries are larger than the compression threshold (which is expressed in bytes), then they will be compressed.

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abstract def increment(key : String, amount : Int32 = 1, expires_at : Time | Nil = nil, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, version : Int32 | Nil = nil, race_condition_ttl : Time::Span | Nil = nil, compress : Bool | Nil = nil, compress_threshold : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Int #

Increments the integer value associated with the given key.

It should be noted that this method supports a set of optional arguments:

  • amount allows to specify the amount used to increment the integer value (defaults to 1)
  • expires_at allows to specify an absolute expiration time.
  • expires_in allows to specify a relative expiration time.
  • version allows to specify a version value for the entry to write into the cache. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.
  • race_condition_ttl allows to specify a relative period of time during which an expired value is allowed to be returned while the new value is being generated and written to the cache. By leveraging this capability, it is possible to ensure that multiple processes that access an expired cache entry at the same time don't end up regenerating the new entry all at the same time.
  • compress allows to specify whether new entries written to the cache should be compressed.
  • compress_threshold allows to specify a custom compression threshold. The compression threshold determines whether cached entries are compressed: if these entries are larger than the compression thresholed (which is expressed in bytes), then they will be compressed.

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def read(key : String | Symbol, raw : Bool = false, version : Int32 | Nil = nil) : String | Nil #

Reads data from the cache by using the given key.

This method returns the entry value for the given key if one exists in the cache. Otherwise nil is returned.

The #read method allows specifying an additional version argument. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.

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abstract def read_entry(key : String) : String | Nil #

Reads an entry from the cache.

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def write(key : String | Symbol, value : String, raw : Bool = false, expires_at : Time | Nil = nil, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, version : Int32 | Nil = nil, race_condition_ttl : Time::Span | Nil = nil, compress : Bool | Nil = nil, compress_threshold : Int32 | Nil = nil) #

Writes value into the cache by using the given key.

It should be noted that this method supports a set of optional arguments:

  • expires_at allows to specify an absolute expiration time.
  • expires_in allows to specify a relative expiration time.
  • version allows to specify a version value for the entry to write into the cache. When fetching entries, a mismatch between an entry's version and the requested version is treated like a cache miss.
  • race_condition_ttl allows to specify a relative period of time during which an expired value is allowed to be returned while the new value is being generated and written to the cache. By leveraging this capability, it is possible to ensure that multiple processes that access an expired cache entry at the same time don't end up regenerating the new entry all at the same time.
  • compress allows to specify whether new entries written to the cache should be compressed.
  • compress_threshold allows to specify a custom compression threshold. The compression threshold determines whether cached entries are compressed: if these entries are larger than the compression thresholed (which is expressed in bytes), then they will be compressed.

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abstract def write_entry(key : String, value : String, expires_in : Time::Span | Nil = nil, race_condition_ttl : Time::Span | Nil = nil) #

Writes an entry to the cache.

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