class Marten::DB::Query::SQL::Join


Represents an SQL join used in the context of a specific query.

SQL joins are managed as a tree, which means that each join can be associated with a list of underlying children joins (for the joins following the considered relationship). SQL joins are "flattened" when the raw SQL queries are generated.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Int32, type : JoinType, from_model : Model.class, from_common_field : Field::Base, reverse_relation : ReverseRelation | Nil, to_model : Model.class, to_common_field : Field::Base, selected : Bool, table_alias_prefix : String = "t", children : Array(Marten::DB::Query::SQL::Join) = [] of self) #

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Instance Method Detail

def add_child(child : self) : Nil #

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def children : Array(Marten::DB::Query::SQL::Join) #

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def clone : self #

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def column_name(name) : String #

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def columns : Array(String) #

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def from_common_field : Marten::DB::Field::Base #

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def from_model : Marten::DB::Model.class #

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def id : Int32 #

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def replace_table_alias_prefix(new_table_alias_prefix : String) : Hash(String, String) #

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def reverse_relation : Marten::DB::ReverseRelation? #

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def selected? : Bool #

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def table_alias : String #

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def table_alias_prefix : String #

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def to_a : Array(self) #

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def to_common_field : Marten::DB::Field::Base #

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def to_model : Marten::DB::Model.class #

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def to_sql : String #

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